Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Menos Hiras: How to Prevent Injury?


Menos Hiras believes that it does not matter whether you play sports for fitness or competition. Everyone wants to prevent injuries as much as possible. If athletes do not take the necessary safety measures, injuries can take away so much time from the games, or worse, force inactivity.

Although it is impossible to prevent every injury, experts from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons says that studies show that athletes can reduce injury rate by 25% if they take appropriate preventive action. In this post, Menos Hiras shares some of the general guidelines athletes can follow to prevent sports injury.

Take a break.

Some research shows that athletes who train for a longer time are more at risk of having injuries. Menos Hiras believes that many athletes have the misconception that the more they train, the better they will be. Although training will improve their skills, athletes should remember that rest is a vital part of a proper program. It will make them stronger and prevent sports injuries.

Wear appropriate clothing and gear.

All players need to wear the appropriate clothing and protective equipment, such as pads, helmets, and mouthpieces for the sport they play. But Menos Hiras believes that they should not think that protective gear can prevent all injuries. There may be inevitable injuries that occur when the player does not have proper conditioning.

Conditioning and stretching are essential.

Another practice Menos Hiras believes is essential to prevent sports injury is conditioning and stretching. These two practices can significantly help strengthen and increase the flexibility of muscles.

Warm-up before playing.

Studies show that warmed-up muscles are less susceptible to injuries. Aside from conditioning and stretching, proper warm-up before games is vital for sports injury prevention. Warming up helps prepare the player’s body by raising the body temperature and gradually revving up the cardiovascular system, which is vital before aerobic activity.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Menos Hiras Shares Tips to Master New Sports Skills


If you want to grow as a sports player and master new skills, you need to know that learning is as vital as any other skill you pick up along the way. Menos Hiras believes that one of the essential things to have in sports is the willingness to learn continuously. Here are some things to learn to master new skills in sports:

1. Start with where you are currently at, not where you think you should be. Lofty goals can be great, but not if you base them on what someone else is doing. If you want to learn and master a new skill in your sport, Menos Hiras believes that you need to acknowledge and accept that you are where you are currently at. No great sports player starts perfectly. Start with a big goal, but start little. So swallow your ego do not be too quick to fall for the “go big or go home” saying.

2. Once you accept your starting point, Menos Hiras believes that the next step needs to be all about developing a growth mindset. Never let your limits define what you can achieve in sports. Ditch them, together with all the negative things you tell yourself. If you believe you can master a new skill, then you can. Aside from serious physical or health constraints, you have no other limits than your mindset. So start developing one that is all about improvement and learning. If you give it enough time, patience, and dedication, you will be able to do things you thought were impossible.

3. We all know that “practice makes perfect.” But Menos Hiras believes that mastering new skills should be more about progress and improvement instead of striving for perfection. Nothing and no one will ever be perfect. You just have to keep on improving. Be patient with yourself and make sure that you put in extra effort to master the skills that you want to master.